Bra Size Calculator

Our patterns use actual breast measurements - instead of the usual chest circumference - for more accuracy and few muslins! For this reason, please use your measurements instead of your store bought or retail size. This calculator was created especially for LilypaDesigns Sewing Patterns - it may or may not reflect your bra size for other designers.

How to Measure Illustrated Guide

How to Measure Video

In some cases, your measurement may span 2 different size sets. In this case, select based on breast SHAPE. If you have more inner fullness and/or projection, err on the side of the larger size set. It is much easier and intuitive to adjust the band (including the wireline) vs adjusting the shape of a 3D cup pattern.


Measurement Calculator



Each of our patterns are offered in multiple size sets (with a few exceptions) as each group represents a different breast shape. There are at least a 2 size overlap for convenience but they are NOT identical. Cup pattern pieces cannot be interchanged with the equivalent pattern piece in another size set without alteration.

  • The A-DD range was drafted for standard/wider breast roots + average projection + average center gore (3/4” or 20mm) following industry standards.

  • The DD-GG range was drafted for narrow breast roots + more projection + narrower center gore (3/8” or 10mm).

  • The GG-KK range was drafted for significant inner fullness with very rounded breast shape + even more projection + narrower center gore (3/8” or 10mm).

If you’ve tried our underwired bra patterns, you’ll find a smooth transition in terms of consistent sizing and fit. [Primer on Breast Shape HERE]


Bra Pattern Size Chart

Compare your measurements to the chart below. If your measurements span multiple sizes, this is normal and a better reflection of our individual needs as 2 people can have the same measurements but very different body shapes. Customize your fit by grading between the sizes - this includes adjusting the Bottom Cup Depth.

GG-KK Size Set

DD-GG Size Set

A-DD Size Set

A-K Size Set (Cambia and Akeru Only)

****Not all pattern styles are available in all size sets. Older designs such as the Labellum, Lotus, and Cambia do not have the extended size range and end at 44 bands.